카테고리 없음

Python trivia

진모씨 2015. 12. 17. 03:43

It's feature.

user@ubuntu:/tmp$ PYTHONINSPECT=1 aa

The program 'aa' is currently not installed.  To run 'aa' please ask your administrator to install the package 'astronomical-almanac'

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/command-not-found", line 94, in <module>

    crash_guard(main, BUG_REPORT_URL, __version__)

  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/util.py", line 40, in crash_guard


SystemExit: 127


NO SUID, NO SGID, so garbage for now.

Maybe.. I can use it for.. umm.. um... I don't know. It can be used for 'backdoor-finding' challenges, like:

If someone executes python itself in suid binary without dropping privileges, only in reason that it's signed, or verified, readonly, yeah.

But PYTHONINSPECT=1 and some interpreter variable is one thing we should keep in mind.

For other languages, too..